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Meaning of Smilage

About Smilage

This is a website specialised for the elders, we provide elder-related products, information, and service. Regardless of the age, we welcome users to use our website to start a new page of life for the elders.

Meaning of Smilage

  1. 「樂齡族」is how people in Singapore call elders. While for 「銀髮族」,「熟齡族」or「金時族」, they not only remove the street impression of the elderly, but also provides a more positive meaning, which is the spirit we would like to bring: Happy and Forgetting About the Age

  1. Why named “Easy66”

65 years old is the indicator of an elder, according to the United Nations, but as the living environment and technology level increases, most of the elders are still very active even after retiring. 66 indicates the stepping into elder years, people still assert that life begins at 70, so we believe that 66 is the real start of enjoyment in life. So Easy, 66, we hope every elder to enjoy their lives after 66.

  1. Meaning of the Logo

The logo of Smilage is formed by 3 different shapes of 6, the two turquoise bottom ones represent 66, while the light green 6 represents the life after 66.

Characteristics of Smilage

  1. All in One Website for Elders

The establishment of Smilage is to care about elders, to have a common place. No matter if needed to choose products for parents, or retired friends, or to recruit older volunteers, or even ask about course information, the information is needed in this website. We provide two-way communicating options, allowing users to have advice from our product and service.

  1. Website that Combines the Product, Service, Information, and Forums

Smilage does not only provide products, we also hope that elders can gain information needed after using this platform, and related groups to contact the elders. Elders from now on do not need to delve into the normal websites with messy information, and shops filled with electronics.

  1. More Decent, Considerate, Exquisite Choice of Product

Many elders give up the chance of having a better appearance. It is because most of the time products are designed mostly on function instead of appearance. We carefully selected the products for elders to retain their confidence and make their daily lives more convenient.


  1. Convenient Experience to Fulfil Needs

We select and provide specialised products and services for the elderly, or provide related information, allowing elders to fulfill all their needs in one purchase, we also welcome related factories or groups to provide more information to add in more information to our website. Due to the features of some products, they are not suitable to be sold online, we promise to build up a physical access route in the coming future, to make the products more complete.

  1. Decent Products and Convenient Product Category

We hope elders can spend their time on the product and service, but not on the complicated purchasing process. We have detailed descriptions for each product, the main focus is not about the quantity of products, but the quality of each product. Also, for the informative links, we will try our best to provide easy introductions, and clear categories, making users spend less time to find the information needed.