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[BOSCOGEN] Silver Hair Care Food Series - Italian Vegetable Puree

[BOSCOGEN] Silver Hair Care Food Series - Italian Vegetable Puree

A variety of vegetables and potatoes simmered with spices from Japan, a classic Italian-style garden vegetable dish with a warming, sweet and sour taste.
Made using Japanese homogenisation techniques, this puree is easy to swallow without chewing and can be used without crushing the tongue.

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A variety of vegetables and potatoes simmered with spices from Japan, a classic Italian-style garden vegetable dish with a warming, sweet and sour taste.
Made using Japanese homogenisation techniques, this puree is easy to swallow without chewing and can be used without crushing the tongue.
[Meets professional grading index].
IDDSI: [Grade 2 food] Low viscosity
Good reasons to choose this food care product
Safe to enjoy food, maintain chewing and swallowing function
Individually wrapped for convenience and hygiene
Convenient meal preparation and ready to eat

■ 注意事項
  1. (1)個人情況不同,如有需要,飲食中請照顧者在旁陪伴避免嗆咳窒息的情況發生。
  2. (2)每個人的吞嚥咀嚼力不同,食用時請舀取適口大小,如有必要請諮詢醫師、語言治療師或營養師等專業人士。

■ 商品規格
  1. 份量:一盒
  2. 容量:100g /盒
  3. 規格:17×13×2 cm;135g
  4. 有效期限:12個月
  5. 成分:洋蔥、番茄糊、豌豆、馬鈴薯、胡蘿蔔、油菜籽油、酵母萃取物、砂糖、澱粉、大蒜糊、食鹽、L-麩酸鈉、味噌、月桂、羅勒、檸檬酸、芹菜籽、小麥粉、香料,素食可食(植物五辛素)。
  6. 食品添加物名稱:如上
  7. 過敏原標示:本產品含小麥、大豆及其製品。
  8. 原產地:日本愛知縣

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